The Office of the Inspector General
The Defense intelligence Agency's (DIA) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is one of 74 Federal statutory Inspectors General (IGs) established by the IG Act of 1978, as amended. The IG Act contains provisions for OIG independence, the objectivity of OIG work, and safeguards against efforts to impair that objectivity or hinder OIG operations. Mr. Jeremy Kirkland became the Inspector General on June 4, 2023.

The Audits Division conducts independent, objective, and nonpartisan oversight of the stewardship, performance, or cost of DIA’s operations, programs, and policies. Audits provide essential accountability and transparency over government programs and enable decisionmakers to improve program performance and operations, reduce costs, facilitate decision making by parties responsible for overseeing or initiating corrective action, and contribute to public accountability.
Inspections and Evaluations
The Inspections and Evaluations Division (I&E) conducts systematic and independent assessments of the design, implementation, and results of DIA's and the Defense Intelligence Enterprise’s operations, programs, and policies. The division offers a flexible and effective mechanism for conducting oversight utilizing a multidisciplinary staff and multiple data gathering and analysis methodologies. Through its projects, I&E provides factual and analytical information. In addition, I&E measures performance; assesses internal controls; identifies savings opportunities; highlights best practices; evaluates intelligence oversight matters; assesses and refers allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement; as well as determines compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.
The Investigations Division (INV) conducts proactive and reactive administrative and criminal investigations to detect, deter, and report fraud, waste, and abuse within DIA. INV develops sufficient evidence to successfully resolve all allegations, and when appropriate, facilitates successful criminal prosecution or management-directed disciplinary action. The division identifies and reports internal control weaknesses that could render DIA programs and systems vulnerable to exploitation. Investigations, at its discretion, investigates questionable intelligence activities, as defined by Executive Order 12333, “United States Intelligence Activities,” as amended.
Hotline Program
The Hotline Program is a confidential and reliable means for DIA personnel and the public to report fraud, waste, mismanagement, and abuse of authority within DIA and intelligence enterprise operations. The program’s primary role is to receive and evaluate concerns and complaints and to determine whether to investigate or to refer to Agency management officials or to refer to the Agency element best suited to take action. To be effective, the program requires all personnel to be vigilant against illegal or improper acts and report any improprieties to the chain of command or an OIG representative. Check out the back side of this brochure for reporting guidance.
Management and Administration
The Management and Administration Division (M&A) provides advisement, guidance, and integrated institutional support on key mission-critical functions that enable OIG components to conduct their work efficiently and effectively. This responsibility includes managing budget and acquisition, human resources, space, information technology, strategic communications, and production, comprising editorial support and graphic design. Additionally, it includes staff operations, encompassing an array of administrative support services. M&A strives to create and improve administrative and business processes to meet the challenges of a dynamic working environment.
Data, Strategy, and Innovation
The Data, Strategy, and Innovation Division (DSI) plays a key role in formulating strategic direction for the OIG by developing the 5-year strategic plan and annual strategic implementation plans, and managing execution of these and other guiding documents. In addition, DSI provides analytical services to optimize OIG operations, advance strategic decisionmaking, and elevate OIG oversight work. DSI partners with stakeholders to identify and procure suitable data tools and techniques. DSI also facilitates the sourcing of new ideas leading to the production of innovative solutions to enhance products, processes, and performance. The division is staffed with strategists and experts in the data analytics space.
Headquarters comprises the Inspector General (IG), Deputy IG, and Counsel to the IG (IGC). IGC provides independent and objective legal advice and counsel to the IG directly and to all OIG elements on a variety of legal and policy issues that impact the OIG mission. IGC reviews all proposed new and revised policies and legislative proposals for impact on OIG’s roles and responsibilities and the effectiveness and efficiency of Agency activities. IGC also serves as the DIA Whistleblower Protection Coordinator.