Office of the Inspector General officers are responsible for promoting effective, efficient, and economically sound intelligence activities, and detecting and deterring fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement for all DIA elements, programs, functions, and operations.
Officers in this field are responsible for promoting effective, efficient, and economically sound intelligence activities, and detecting and deterring fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement for all DIA elements, programs, functions, and operations. This is accomplished through conducting financial and performance audits to include the annual audit of financial statements, evaluating effectiveness and efficiency of programs and operations, and conducting administrative and criminal investigations including Intelligence Oversight and management of the OIG Hotline.
Understand and demonstrate independence and objectivity in conducting OIG work and take advantage of opportunities to educate DIA officers at all levels in IG roles and authorities.
Enhance impact of oversight activities, identify risks, and inform opportunities through awareness of strategic priorities in the operational environment.
Drive improvement through forming and embracing strategic vision, initiatives, and a culture of inclusiveness by demonstrating solution-oriented behaviors, enlisting volunteers, removing barriers, and generating success.
Use awareness of Agency and organizational priorities to compel management action through continuous education on IG roles and authorities, as well as reports and recommendations that demonstrate understanding of resource implications and achievability.
Encourage diversity of thought, manage creative tension, and reach mutual agreement constructively to achieve established goals and sustain a positive and inclusive working environment.
The Audits specialty is responsible for conducting independent and objective audits of DIA operations. Audits provide essential accountability and transparency over Government programs and enable decision makers to improve operations, reduce costs, comply with laws and regulations, and strengthen internal controls to reduce the potential for fraud and illegal acts. The OIG initiates audits based on legal requirements, risk assessments, and input from legislators, oversight bodies, DIA leadership and officers, and the public. DIA OIG conducts all audits in accordance with standards established by the Comptroller General of the United States. DIA OIG auditors generally conduct two types of audits: performance and financial statement audits. Performance audits evaluate the effectiveness of programs to measure the extent to which a program is achieving its intended purpose. A financial statement audit examines whether the Agency presented their financial statements fairly, and in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The OIG is responsible for conducting the financial statement audit or providing oversight and support to the independent public accounting (IPA) contractors performing the financial statement audit. The financial statement audit concludes with an opinion or a disclaimer of an opinion on the Agency’s financial statements, as well as reports on internal controls and compliance with laws and regulations and other matters. Audits cover a wide range of topics and require auditors to develop general auditing skills including data gathering, analysis, and critical thinking, as well as subject matter expertise in areas such as contracting, information technology, and financial statement audits. Communication, program management, and leadership skills are also essential skills for all members of the audit team. Additionally, auditors must be proficient in a variety of computer applications to perform their duties efficiently and effectively.
The Inspections and Evaluations specialty is responsible for evaluating, inspecting, and promoting the efficiency and effectiveness of DIA organizations, programs, and functions and provides the OIG a flexible and effective mechanism for oversight and review of programs by using a multi-disciplinary staff and multiple methods for gathering and analyzing data. The division accomplishes this responsibility by conducting in-depth reviews across the Agency that examine and assess processes, procedures, internal controls, performance measures, compliance with regulatory and policy guidance, inter-relationships, and customer satisfaction. The goal of Inspections and Evaluations is to provide DIA leaders and managers with timely, relevant, and actionable information in suppose of the DIA strategy coupled with recommendations for improvements to programs, policies, and procedures. All evaluations and inspections are conducted in accordance with Quality Standards for Inspections established by the Council of Inspectors General for Integrity and Efficiency.
The Investigation specialty is responsible for performing work involving planning and conducting investigations, not involving criminal violations of Federal laws. The results of those investigations aid responsible officials in making or invoking civil or administrative actions, judgments (decisions), sanctions, or penalties. Work primarily requires knowledge of investigative techniques and the laws, rules, regulations, and objectives of the employing Agency; skill and interviewing, following leads, researching records, and preparing reports. This work includes investigating Federal employees for misconduct, or fraud, waste, and abuse. Of note, investigators do not lead investigations or inquiries when the alleged impropriety, if substantiated, would likely constitute criminal misconduct. When investigation or inquiry leads to an apparent criminal violation, it is referred to a criminal investigator.
The Criminal Investigation specialty is responsible for performing work involving planning, conducting, and/or managing investigations alleged or suspected criminal violations of Federal laws. The results of those investigations aid responsible officials in making or invoking civil or administrative actions, judgment (decisions), sanctions, or penalties. Work involves, recognizing, developing, and presenting evidence to reconstruct events, sequences, time, elements, relationships, responsibilities, legal liabilities, and conflicts of interest; conducting investigations in a manner meeting, legal and procedural requirements; and providing advice and assistance both in and out of court to the U.S. Attorney’s Office during investigations and prosecution. This work primarily requires knowledge of criminal investigative techniques, rules of criminal procedures, law laws and precedent court decisions concerning the admissibility of evidence, constitutional rights, search and seizure, and related issues in the conduct of investigations. Of note, in contrast to the work of Federal police officers, criminal investigators are not typically concerned with independent individuals or small, local groups of individuals committing crimes on Federal property, unless they are Germaine to larger investigations. Rather, criminal investigators focus on suspected major offenses or violations of Federal laws, where the investigative assignment requires an extended period of time (e.g., dates, weeks, or months) for completion. Criminal investigators are also known as special agents and trained at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center or a law-enforcement Academy equivalent.
The mission support specialty performs a wide range of Inspector General mission support activities to include data analytics, human resources, budget, training, program, integrity, infrastructure services, staff operations, and knowledge management. Work involves advising leadership and management on a Marriott of issues to ensure effective and efficient, day-to-day operations across OYG divisions. Officers possess comprehensive knowledge of laws, regulations, and policies on office operations, support services, building, and safety infrastructure, communications, and program management expertise to build strategic relationships and deliver solutions that effectively manage OIG resources. Leading, coordinating, communicating, integrating, and accountable for the overall success of mission, support activities enabling OIG functions, ensuring alignment with critical agency priorities. Providing analytical, evaluative methods and techniques for assessing program development and execution and improving organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Contributing to strategy, planning efforts, and program development to justify new initiatives to OIG leadership and other stakeholders as well as executing policy. Coordinates the management of multiple, related projects/programs directed toward strategic business and organizational objectives. Directing and/or working within a set of independent tasks to meet defined objectives that further the OIG’s mission. Managing or monitoring the use of resources (e.g. people, systems, space, budget, contracts) and maximizes their effectiveness for multiple and wide-ranging programs to foster productivity and deliver solutions.
The Office of the Inspector General positions are in the National Capital Region.
DIA operates in more than 140 facilities around the world. Our Officers are stationed at a wide array of locations, including:
- National Capital Region: Washington, DC; Reston, VA; Quantico, VA– DIA HQ, Integrated Intelligence Centers, Directorate for Science and Technology, Office of Counterintelligence, Directorate for Analysis, DoD Joint Staff (J2)
- Frederick, MD – Directorate for Analysis
- Odenton, MD – U.S. Cyber Command
- Charlottesville, VA – Directorate for Analysis
- Miami, FL– U.S. Southern Command
- Tampa, FL – U.S. Central Command, U.S. Special Operations Command
- Huntsville, AL – Directorate for Analysis
- Belleville, IL – U.S. Transportation Command
- Omaha, NE – U.S. Strategic Command
- Colorado Springs, CO – U.S. Northern Command
- Honolulu, HI – U.S. Pacific Command
- Molesworth, United Kingdom – U.S. Africa Command, U.S. European Command
- Stuttgart, Germany – U.S. Africa Command, U.S. European Command
- Seoul, South Korea – U.S. Forces Korea
Vacancies are posted here as needed throughout the year based on the mission needs of the career field. Please create an account to register to have vacancies sent to you as they are posted on the site.