General Hotline Complaint Form
Whistleblower Reprisal Complaint Form
The DIA Hotline
Are you aware of fraud, waste, or abuse in a DIA program? The DIA Hotline is a confidential channel for reporting that information. Anyone, inside or outside of government, who suspects fraud, waste, or abuse related to DIA programs, personnel, and operations should report that information to our office.
What is Fraud, Waste, and Abuse?
Fraud: Any intentional deception designed to unlawfully deprive the United States of something of value or to secure a benefit, privilege, allowance, or consideration for an individual from the United States that he or she is not entitled to. Such practices include, but are not limited to, the offer, payment, or acceptance of bribes or gratuities; making false statements; submitting false claims; evading or corrupting inspectors or other officials; deceit either by suppressing the truth or misrepresenting material fact; adulterating or substituting materials; falsifying records and books of accounts; arranging for secret profits, kickbacks, or commissions; and conspiring to use any of these devices. The term also includes conflict of interest cases, criminal irregularities, and the unauthorized disclosure of official information relating to procurement and disposal matters.
Waste: The extravagant careless or needless expenditure of Government funds, or the consumption of Government property that results from deficient practices, systems, controls, or decisions. The term also includes improper practices not involving prosecutable fraud.
Abuse: The intentional or improper use of Government resources that can include the excessive or improper use of one's position in a manner contrary to its rightful or legally intended use. Examples include misuse of rank, position, or authority or misuse of Government resources for oneself or another.
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse to Report to the DIA Hotline

Information to Report to Other Authorities
- Minor incidents of time and attendance abuse–Employee’s supervisory chain.
- Employment-related grievances and complaints against management officials–DIA Office of Human Resources or the Office of the Ombudsman
- Appraisals/Performance management–DIA Office of Human Resources
- Employment policy questions–DIA Office of Human Resources
- Pay and allowance matters–DIA Office of Human Resources
- Complaints regarding discrimination and hostile work environments–DIA Equal Opportunity and Diversity Office
- Security matters and Counterintelligence–DIA Office of Security or Office of Counterintelligence
Your Report: What to Include and Where it Goes
Provide as much information as possible (names of alleged offenders and victims and leads on any applicable data, documentation, or other evidence).
Investigators will assess each complaint and either handle it directly or refer it to the appropriate management official. If we determine that an issue should be referred to an outside organization, such as the Department of Defense Inspector General or a service investigative element, we will monitor the issue until it is resolved.
How to file an unclassified complaint
Anyone may file a complaint with the DoD Hotline. Our online complaint forms (at the top of this page) are the most efficient means to file a complaint. You may also call our DIA Hotline at (202) 231-1000.
***Please note that we cannot accept classified complaints utilizing any of these procedures. Classified complaints must be made via classified networks, a secure communications device, or in person.***