***The DIA Office of the Inspector General (OIG) can only accept UNCLASSIFIED complaints on the NIPRnet system. Please do not provide any classified information in this complaint form. Only UNCLASSIFIED or FOUO information is permitted. If you need to file a classified complaint, you can file via our JWICS or SIPR websites.
The DIA OIG Hotline is an alternative and confidential channel for reporting information if you suspect fraud, waste, or abuse related to DIA programs, personnel, and operations. You may report to the OIG Hotline information involving the following: bribery and acceptance of gratuities, conflicts of interest, unauthorized use of DIA technology systems, government travel or purchase card fraud, cost or labor mischarging, health and safety issues, contract and procurement fraud, leak of classified information, abuse of authority or power, time & labor fraud, and any other violation of policy, procedures, and regulations.
PURPOSE: To obtain sufficient information to inquire into matters presented and to provide appropriate responses, referrals, or inquiries, where deemed appropriate.
ROUTINE USES: The OIG may use the information you provide to investigate allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, and misconduct by Department of Defense employees, contractors, or grantees. The OIG is authorized to collect this information pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978 as amended, title 5 U.S.C. section 401, et seq. Submission of any information is voluntary; however, failure to provide the OIG with all of the information needed to investigate could result in an incomplete investigation. The information is also used for official purposes to answer complaints or respond to requests for assistance, advice, or information; by members of Congress and other government agencies when determined by the DIA OIG to be in the best of interest of the U.S. Government. The information collected as part of a whistleblower complaint may also be used for other routine uses.